Delicate Badass (lessons from a flower)
Delicate Badass / 27" x 27" / Photomontage and acrylic on saw blade
I keep thinking if I keep thinking
I’ll figure it out
If I think long enough
Hard enough
Deep enough
I’ll get the answer
But no matter how many thoughts I think
It keeps changing
Until I don’t even know what “it” is anymore
My life is unfigureable
Earth ain't for the faint of heart
You gotta flow with it
Or it’ll fight you to the death
And it's not a fair fight
Think about it
Who's gonna lose?
I’ll give you a hint…Not life
The most delicate flower is still a badass
It sucks food from roots
Stares at the sun
And basks in it
It wrestles the wind
And drinks rain
It even looks good old
And dies without apologizing
There’s a lot to learn from a flower.
You can’t not be beautiful
It’s what you are