When the Trees Stop Talking

How we see our world isn't really about what it is. It's about how we see it. What we tell ourselves about it. One day I can look at a tree and say, "nice tree," or even ignore it. And the next I could have a revelatory experience and feel connected to the source of all that is. It's about what I'm open to. What I allow myself to see.

So many of the issues I see in the world stem from how we're seeing the world. Not the raw materials of what it is. From there it gets messy.

From my early days kicking a drug habit in my teens, searching for meaning and a reason to live, I've always been on the hunt for those revelatory moments, that sort of reveal the matrix.

This pic is from an excerpt from a book I'm working on. If you'd like a free digital copy of the excerpt, send me a note through my contact page and I’ll send it to you.

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