How Do I Stay Inspired?


Staying inspired can be tricky. I get asked about this a lot. It's easy to look back sometimes and long for the good old days. When things were simpler. When life was simpler.

I've been pretty fortunate. From my early music days until now, I've always had this sense that my best days are in front of me...that my best work is in front of me. And even though I had some success in music early in my life, it was just the beginning of my creative and internal journey.

I've always been inspired by artists on museum walls who can reach out of the past, sometimes hundreds of years, and create magic inside me. Introduce me to a part of myself that I either didn't know was there, or lost touch with.

When I'm making my artwork, I try to tap into things that transcend time. Our environment and technologies change, but the human condition is timeless.

I found this in my studio today. It's a test I did when I was making my "I Got This" series a few years ago. I blew right past this idea at the time, but now that I look at it with a few more years in the rear view, I really like it!

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