Confucius Says...


Don’t you love it when an idea pops in your head and something clicks? It happened to me the other day. I’m sitting there doing a meditation / creative visualization technique I do to pick up new ideas and get guidance, and this quote comes into my head by Confucius:
“The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.”
It occurred to me that this quote is so relevant to not only the asinine political culture of the US, but it related to my artwork as well. If we’re not flexible, we’ll snap. And right now, America is snapping. It’s nature. It’s philosophy. It’s simple wisdom.

When I was a kid I didn’t worship musicians because I loved music so much. I liked the music, but what really attracted me was that the musicians were the prophets. Philosophers. They didn’t live by the same rules as everyone else. They lived hard and had something to report back to the rest of us. And when I felt that element become more rare in mainstream music, I moved on.
I’m working on an art project proposal where I have to talk about my artwork. Explain it without explaining it. It’s not an easy thing to do. All artists struggle with it. This quote clarified something for me that I’ve been searching for. And in understanding that connection so much more clearly, I feel like shackles have been taken off.
I guess being a new dad during Covid has given me a little extra time to think.

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