Time Moves. And So Do I.


Another month whizzes by
Before you know it
This year will be over
Set to rest
With the rest of them
A catalog of memories
And experiences
Squashed in a file
Somewhere in the folds
Of my brain

What will I say I did?
How will I think it went?
Probably better, the same and worse
Than the last one
In different ways

Time has a way of traveling
And uphill
At the same time
It’s a trickster

Physicists say
It doesn’t exist at all

At the speed of light
But I travel slower than that
My hair gets grayer
My body more wrinkled
And my spirit smarter

I’ll take smarts over
Smooth skin
And dark hair
If that’s the trade with the universe
I’ll take it
It’s a good trade

I wrote a song once called June
It said

“I found myself
In a gutter by the lake
An empathy shell
Whose shadow led the way “

I wasn’t in a good place
But I found something
During that time
In myself
I didn’t know was there
And it was shiny
And resilient

Time may not technically exist
But I find the illusion helpful